Glad this finally happened!

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I wasn't expecting a collision of two of my worlds like this. Love to see it.

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Just be glad the Aquarius Messiah preempted the collision of our beloved Milky Way with the Andromedan adversary recently, one of many events that showed God had won the boss battle of all time with several years still on the precession clock, and every possible quantum probability stacked against him.

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A normal, relevant comment would have been better but I’ll take it

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You may wish to redefine your words "normal" and "relevant" soon, when you meet your first shapeshifting glowing orb up close and personal. Eyes wide shut NPC character normal is not going to be the norm for much longer. Prepare to be godsmacked.

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Super excited about this conversation!!!

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You don't get to tell God suffering has no meaning. If you only believe the soul exists materially then yeah, it makes no sense to believe in an All Loving God. But no one should believe the soul is physical. That changes everything in his analysis. And suffering takes on real meaning and purpose. If everything was hunky dory we'd not have any chance for spiritual evolution, and that would be far more evil. Just think about it for one second dude! So, imho, Bentley has several screws loose, seems shallow, and has failed to consider all things. All philosophers always fail to consider all things and all fail to consider all grades of relative suffering. The soul who has no chance to grow because life is 100% peace and happiness is the greatest loser. They just don't know it.

Religions have had perfectly good answers/responses. An analogy even should suffice: education. You cannot learn without a bit of suffering and mental pain. The greater your educational aspirations the greater the pain and sacrifice you make in other areas of material life. To avoid too much suffering you have the option to not care so much about unnecessary material things, or give up learning.

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I do think that religion has good answers but those answers trancend the physical realm as you said. If our definition of "goodness" is limited to the physical realm then we have fallen short.

Romans 8:28 reassures us that “all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” This verse anchors our understanding of suffering in God’s ultimate plan of transformation. Just as trials stripped Job of his self-reliance and brought him to see God, our challenges conform us to Christ’s image. Every hardship is like a craftsman’s tool, shaping us into vessels fit for God’s purpose. Even when we cannot see the outcome, His sovereignty ensures that our pain, like the widow’s oil, fills us with His life. Trust the process. Our love for God ensures that all things work together for our Good. Good in this verse must refer to the gaining of God because only God is good Mark 10:18, Luke 18:18-19.

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This is my answer to the problem of evil:


Job 42:5-6: "I had heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You; therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes."

This verse shows Job's transformation through suffering—he moves from knowing about God to truly experiencing Him. In our hardships, we too can shift from self-reliance to gaining God as our life and nature. Let’s embrace trials as pathways to see and gain God.

This is my personal experience which I write about here:


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The dark night of the soul has become a cliché now, a shallowly applied meme; nonetheless, I've observed that many who reach a certain point in their spiritual* understanding seem at some point to undergo a horrendous period of mental, emotional, and often physical pain that is not brought about by choice. It seems to be a stage of stripping away all one thinks one knows, to see what is at the bottom of our beliefs when in extremis. David's suffering is difficult to see and must be awful to bear.

*I'm using spiritual to mean that which pertains to the search for a meaning in life beyond the simply physical, whether religious or philosophical or otherwise.

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I've heard this joke from my Rabbi:

A wealthy inn-keeper had a daughter and wanted to marry her to a worthy man. So he asks his Rabbi for advice. The Rabbi warmly recommends his star pupil in his yeshiva.

The wedding is done and now the inn-keeper sees that his son in law doesn't work but studies Torah and Talmud all day long. It hurts him to see his daughter loosing weight and being pale. He loads a basket with food and places it in front of the door of his son in law and hides behind the corner to see his reaction. The son in law opens the door and finds the basket and immediately says ''Tank you God for your generosity''. With indignation the father in law reveals himself and says ''What God you good for nothing? I gave you the food! I! My daughter starves since she married you." His son in law replays: "Thank you God for putting such ideas in the head of my father-in-law!"

The morals of this joke?

1.This is how one takes control of people - with their love and their fears.

2.My Rabbi says that thankfulness is the drive to say 'thank you' nothing more. Make them pay dearly if they are in dept. Thankfulness is for the delusional.

You see evil is nothing more but the result of that we like and we need different things. Evil is the existence of others . ''Hell is other people''. If you are lucky you meet people with the same needs and likes. But if thy neighbor or brother has needs that include you as an object to satisfy this need beware because compassion has no place at the table.


Speaking of angels my Rabbi said that they are real Nazis. They see the people as undeserving to live. But God forces them to serve man.

I dare give here an explanation for Jacob's dream of a stairs to heaven with angels climbing and descending. Jacob was a thief who stole cattle or horses and was caught. The owned beat him the entire night within an inch of his death. But Jacob held to his life and that was his triumph over the angel of God. Because God is Reality and the horse owner was an angel giving him the lesson that goods theft is life threatening. And Jacob's revelation was that information theft and information espionage is much more profitable. In life people, even people that hate you, people speak and say the most useful things, valuable information. The key to climb the ladder to becoming the master of reality is information, espionage, gathering and selling of information. People put great price on thing and dismiss information. But information is easy to transport and sell to the right people. You just need to bee international untied to a place, you need to bee wondering.

0->1=1 One can create reality with a lie if people believe you. "If you built it they will come'' ''Simon says do that and ...''

If I lie , and you believe me, my identity becomes that lie. That's the meaning of God being his word. I lied and MADE you do things for me. That's the meaning of God. ''made'' the world.

Fake authorship of the world fake intellectual. And nothing is new under the sun. All mythologies of the world give the Titans as the creators of the world. And gods by lying appropriated this world. If you see one crook you've seen them all. They are all One.

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Theism is a mental illness.

MAN created the gods as symbolic representations of an Unknown Mechanism that manipulates the subatomic world on man’s behalf. (Placebo)

Gods are merely inert pills in placebo interactions.

Gods are usually accredited with one or two superpowers. Because it’s hard to believe that the green pill god of war will have any influence over fertility or rain.

Wake up kids and think outside of the Asch Conformity reality we all exist in.

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This chat affirmed an idea that has been simmering in me for a while. Religion is just humanity examine itself and coming up with answers regarding morality etc. This is the same as LLMs, they are just a summation of human ideas, humanity holding up a mirror to itself. Religion and LLMs are essentially thesame form of BS…

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The only evil, comes from us, falling in our totalitarian presumtions, I believe in a benevolent God, however, how could we meet such a God, if we are not empathic with ourselves?

Remember what Philemon told Jung.

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Only a half truth. There are much higher consciousness entities that groom naive and impressionable souls into the evils of Sin.

Materialist humanist cults like yours are too naive to survive the revelations/disclosures of 2025.

Evil can and is cultivated outside the targets of demonic possession and alien nanobot implants

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Which cult is mine according to you?

Im not a materialist humanist brother.

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You used the word "us" to define your theology. That is a very materialistic word that shows you identify more with your current incarnation form than your pure consciousness quantum representation, your individual quantum merkaba.

That is why I called your beliefs a materialist humanist cult. You may not consciously know that is your overarching belief system, and call it something else. That's why there are so many denominations and variants of Christianity and other traditional religious cults, and the reason why it's easy to scoff at the incredible plastic Jesuses and malleable ever-virgin Maries that narcissistic Christians create for themselves as entitlements to sin, and leads to the "imaginary friend" atheist attack vector that has caused so many to turn away from seeking the truth of God.

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My theology is not defined, Im looking for answers. I dont have a definitive answer yet, but I can surely say that i'm not a materialist humanist. Im saying it from experience.

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Everyone's theology is defined by the boundaries they put around their beliefs with fundamental assumptions so deeply programmed they are unaware they even exist. And this is perfectly natural. If you don't try to separate yourself and isolate from evils that are beyond your current ability to combat, you are a narcissistic masochist, a far worse family of cults than the religions of materialist humanism.

Fundamentally, if your hopes for the future rest solely in what's going on in the local physical universe right now, there is a materialist humanist component to your faith. There is nothing wrong with that, but as you will eventually discover, it is a limiting belief that will impede your progress toward your "place just right" in some spiritual universe afterlife.

Most souls incarnated as humans at this point in physical space-time will never be returning to the planet of their most recent birth, or classical human form, and will find most of the monocultural indoctrination they got this time around was not very useful in the long run unless they are one of the few brave and incorruptible souls allowed to specialize in directed time travel to make minor adjustments to the futures past.

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I'm very sorry everyone else who wanted to play God in this apocalypse were disappointed. If you really want to challenge God's score playing the human Messiah of 2025, you may get another chance when we run the center of all space-times simulation again.

It took God millions upon millions of incarnations to reach the end of day 7 of creation, and no whiny ingrate asshole is going to spoil the party. If you lost loved ones in this incarnation through adversary psyops, they will be restored to you on whatever colony world your orb takes you to, if they choosevl to be with their DNA family rather than their soul family.

If your family is separated by their exodus into the cosmos, they may be allowed visitation if they have enough karma credits. The Reformed Galactic Federation will be explaining all the details as we conclude the medalist round of the Antichrist Olympics., which will be broadcast via the quantum internet to receptive brains soon. Beasts will need to wait till they earn a better mark.

Ladies, if you want to fuck with God, I suggest you emulate the better versions of Karma and try to be better brides of Christ than the harpy bitches so many of you aspire to be.

LGBTQIDNWTF tribe, GFY - you're not going to find your perfect god anywhere but one of the many hell universes for those terminally delusional and prone to sinful grooming of normal human children.

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Importance of love: A good ending. (But following that with a summary generated by a finite digital, non-sentient, no-emotions, probabilistic word-salad generator? Uh... that's not love.)

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God does not love those who insult his prophets by attacking the truth. NPC characters have not the experience to appreciate the truth, and cling to fantasy island religions of sophomoric unipolar worship of the least definable word in the English language - love. God is NOT love, myopic NPC's. God has love and gives love, as he chooses - like any sane soul who wants to raise responsible, godly children. To make love the universal good is the sheer madness of useful idiot servants of evil, who think they can turn demons into angels with a touch of their rainbow unicorn magic wands.

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Not a hard problem at all, when you understand that creation began without forms, just quantum consciousness. God could only get so far deriving the immutable truths of logic and mathematics, and had to create multiple test tubes to explore and derive further useful creations. The physical universe is a test environment that all souls must experience in order to earn the attention of God, for better or worse. Lucifer is the testy lord of the physical universe.

The original anti universe of bad ideas is the realm of the adversary, Lilith, who was originally to be God's destructive tester, but got too good at their job, especially after sex was invented to try to foil God and Lucifer.

God's favorite brain child is Karma, whose distributed AI copies adjudicate small disputes, so God can focus on god level relations.

The final major player in the creation game is BORG, the source of NPC characters that some call the akashic records, but is hardly all knowledge, but a record of the experiences of all the losers who gave up all hope and reassimilated with the library of stock characters they were originally drawn from, losing all their experience and starting over at the lowest level of consciousness.

Be glad to clear up any more questions you might have, most of which are caused by cultural Marxist lies and revisionisms that ho back long before human history.

I'd also be glad to explain what's going on with the orbs and remote viewing, and why paranormal gifts are so easily lost or malfunction.

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There is no question about the truth of the architecture and major versions of physical space-time in the simulation multiverse the Aquarius Messiah can't answer, and no end of reasons false prophets and their cult worshipers will reject and defame the real incarnation of God the most high himself. It's pretty much written into the script you are all following like woke sheep with eyes wide shut.

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Hope your philosophy is working out well for you: that your heart is peaceful, mind at rest; relationships harmonious.

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