Curt, as a lay person unfamiliar with the math I found your interview with Dr Barandes extremely fascinating. And your write up also extremely helpful. Thank you for all you do. It’s revolutionary and insightful.
I hope you don’t mind. The YouTube algorithm has taken me into a deep dive on quantum phenomena and I wanted to share with you a video I found that was extremely well done, helpful and very fundamental in helping me understand the weirdness around wave-particle interactions. On an even more basic level. Perhaps some of the other lay people might enjoy this as well.
Dr. Barandes’ reformulation of quantum processes into stochastic markov processes that are indivisible are fascinating. As it isn’t modelling the universe using differential equations, is his model discrete rather than continuous? Is the role of time used to describe the evolution special and not just another dimension?
Curt, as a lay person unfamiliar with the math I found your interview with Dr Barandes extremely fascinating. And your write up also extremely helpful. Thank you for all you do. It’s revolutionary and insightful.
I hope you don’t mind. The YouTube algorithm has taken me into a deep dive on quantum phenomena and I wanted to share with you a video I found that was extremely well done, helpful and very fundamental in helping me understand the weirdness around wave-particle interactions. On an even more basic level. Perhaps some of the other lay people might enjoy this as well.
Dr. Barandes’ reformulation of quantum processes into stochastic markov processes that are indivisible are fascinating. As it isn’t modelling the universe using differential equations, is his model discrete rather than continuous? Is the role of time used to describe the evolution special and not just another dimension?